What is Transportation Demand Management?
TDM is a combination of services, incentives, facilities, and actions that reduce single-occupant vehicle (SOV) trips and vehicle miles traveled (VMT) to help relieve traffic congestion, parking demand, and air pollution problems. The purposes of TDM are to:
- Reduce the amount of traffic generated by new developments
- Promote more efficient utilization of existing transportation facilities and ensure that new developments are designed to maximize the potential for alternative transportation usage
- Reduce the parking demand generated by new developments and allow for a reduction in parking supply; and
- Establish an ongoing monitoring program to guarantee the desired trip and parking reductions are achieved.
A TDM plan may be required by state or local governments, or an organization may choose to implement TDM strategies as a cost-effective way to achieve sustainability goals and increase employee satisfaction.
TDM strategies may include providing information to employees about transit options, designing individualized trip plans, offering benefits or incentives for alternative transportation choices, and supporting existing transit infrastructure with shuttle services.