What We offer
Whether you are strategizing for a new commuter benefits program, or you want to better measure and report on the success of your existing program, ALTRANS can help you collect important insights into your employee’s commute habits.
Our staff are experienced in managing the planning, administration, and reporting of commute surveys to help employers capture employee commute trends. We partner with you to gather and analyze critical data for measuring your commute program’s KPIs.
Commute surveys are also included when you partner with us to craft your broader TDM Planning strategy.
Benefits of Commute Surveys
A commute survey is a key tool for transportation demand management (TDM).
Among other metrics, commute surveys identify modes of transportation used during employee commutes, the quantities of employees using each mode, and invaluable qualitative feedback for your TDM Program.
With the data collected in commute surveys, you can report on program success, set goals for program improvement, and show employees the tangible value they receive from your TDM planning.
We recommend conducting a commute survey at the start of a TDM initiative, to set you up for success from the beginning. The insights you learn can help guide important decisions about the direction of a new commuter benefits program and how to best use resources to provide the most value to your employees.
Once your commuter benefits program is active, it’s important to continue conducting commute surveys on a regular basis. This allows you to stay aware of changes in employee commute habits or commuter challenges, and make decisions to guide your program to align with employee needs.