ALTRANS Transportation Management Association, Inc. has provided award-winning Transportation Demand Management (TDM) services to the greater San Francisco Bay Area since 1991.
ALTRANS’ skilled team of professionals identify clients’ specific needs and implement sustainable, cost-effective transportation solutions. From the site development process to commuter benefits programs, ALTRANS services reduce single occupancy vehicle (SOV) trips and encourage alternative transportation modes.
Each year, ALTRANS reduces thousands of commuter vehicle-miles-traveled in the region, directly reducing traffic congestion, increasing road safety, reducing carbon emissions and improving air quality all while enhancing quality of life in the Bay Area.
ALTRANS has received TDM and trip reduction awards from regional and nationally recognized organizations such as the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD), Association for Commuter Transportation (ACT), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
What Sets Us Apart
Very few Transportation Demand Management (TDM) companies develop/write/seek approval of TDM Plans and then implement, manage and monitor the progress of the resulting TDM Program. As hands-on practitioners of TDM services, ALTRANS writes TDM Plans, and then turns them into successful TDM Programs. We craft plans to be contextually relevant to our clients’ unique situations. Additionally, we assume we will be the ones to implement those plans, so we make sure they are feasible and sustainable.
At the core: Our work, methods, and outcomes are always win/win, equitable and cost-effective for all stakeholders. We advocate and seek success for our clients, always keeping relevant external factors and entities in mind. This win-win, synergistic approach has provided a stellar reputation for ALTRANS among our clients and peers.
Stephen Blaylock
Stephen founded ALTRANS in 1991 and incorporated the company in 1995. Since then Stephen has hired and trained hundreds of employees and has been instrumental in helping them achieve their work and life goals.
As the owner and president of ALTRANS, Stephen focuses his time on creating TDM Plans, engaging with clients to ensure customer-satisfaction, strategic planning/overall vision of the company and creatively developing new business opportunities.
Outside of work, Stephen enjoys traveling and spending quality time with family and friends.
Stephen Blaylock
Andrew Ridley
More than just ensuring operational targets are met, Andrew’s focus and role encompasses numerous facets of leading an organization:
- Equipping staff so they can do their best in what they are best at
- Seeking out and championing proven strategies for corporate and staff growth and success
- Always seeking win/win results while serving our clients.
Alongside our CEO, Andrew sets and drives organizational vision and strategy for the near and long term.
Having a work/life balance is critical. When not working, he is intentional about taking time off work so he can spend time with his wife and children, usually at the beach or in the mountains. He enjoys exploring the vast Central Sierras and backpacks there as much as he can.
Andrew Ridley
Chief Operating Officer
Daniel Oliver
Daniel is the Executive Director for the San Leandro Transportation Management Organization (SLTMO) and the Emeryville Transportation Management Association (ETMA). He has over 7 years of experience managing ALTRANS’ shuttle operations, including:
- Mountain View Community Shuttle (MVCS)
- Harbor Bay Business Park Shuttle Program
- Kaiser Permanente San Leandro BART Shuttle
- San Leandro LINKS (SLTMO)
- Emery Go-Round (ETMA)
He developed ALTRANS’ Shuttle Monitoring service in which ALTRANS conducts onboard “Shuttle Watchdog” evaluations to observe and evaluate the drivers, vehicles, and the services based on a wide array of criteria to help ensure that the is not just being performed, but that it is being performed well.
He is also the company’s Safety Administrator and serves on the IT team.
Daniel Oliver
TMA Executive Director
Sana Ahmed
Sana oversees the day-to-day management and coordination of the Palo Alto Transportation Management Association, a non-profit organization that offers transportation programs and services to help low-income, predominantly service workers, commute to and from work in Palo Alto. Before joining the Palo Alto TMA, Sana worked at Kaiser Permanente where she gained experience in TDM coordination and TDM Plan writing.
Sana received her Bachelors of Arts in Urban Studies from UC Berkeley and is expected to complete her Master in Computer and Information Technology by December 2023.
Sana is interested in how technology (and data) can be leveraged to streamline and improve transportation planning (and TDM) processes.
Sana Ahmed
TDM Coordinator
Janet Shipp
Janet assists in many areas of the company, including accounting, customer service, data entry, and Payroll. She also provides administrative support to Emery-Go-Round (ETMA).
Janet received a certification as an Associate Professional in Human Resources and has over 10 years of administrative experience.
Janet Shipp
Administrative & Finance Assistant
Martie Wynn
Martie is responsible for the oversight and management of the TDM program at the SoHay residential community. In addition to this program, she is actively involved in New Business Development.
As an accomplished entrepreneur, realtor, project manager, and marketing strategist, Martie has spent her career connecting people, tools, and resources to achieve sustainable outcomes. Her passion for sustainable transportation has led her to become a leading advocate for promoting environmentally friendly modes of transportation.
Martie Wynn
TDM Coordinator
Justine Burt
The Palo Alto TMA is a non-profit that works to reduce traffic congestion and demand for parking in two commercial areas of Palo Alto. They provide information and incentives for low wage service sector workers to mode shift from single-occupancy vehicle commuting to taking the train, bus, bicycle or walking.
In support of the non-profit’s mission to reduce traffic congestion and demand for parking in Palo Alto, Justine supports service sector workers with information and incentives to try out and build sustainable commuting habits.
Justine has a BA Economics/Spanish, Lafayette College, and a MA in Urban and Environmental Policy, Tufts University. She is the author of The Great Pivot: Creating Meaningful Work to Build a Sustainable Future.
Justine Burt
Director of TDM/TMA Programs & Services
Wendy Silvani
Wendy brings some 25 years of TDM and TMA experience to the ALTRANS team for projects involving TMA formation and implementation.
Her background includes conducting feasibility studies, building local support for TMAs, creating core programs, governance development, and management for new and established TMAs throughout the Bay Area and other communities.
She also writes TDM Plans for proposed projects, monitors plans, and prepares annual reports documenting the effectiveness of those plans.
Wendy Silvani
TMA Specialist

Transparency: Acknowledging the risk, we share openly and honestly with our clients, establishing long- term relationships of mutual trust.
Win/Win: We live and work in “both/and” terms, knowing the success of our company is based on the success of our coworkers and clients.
Integrity: Our work and how we do it is whole and complete. No shortcuts, nothing swept under the rug.
Interdependence: 1 + 1 = 3. We combine our talents and abilities to create something greater.
Going Beyond: We see problems as opportunities, and creatively apply ourselves to find solutions and identify opportunities.