Shuttle Program Monitoring and Analysis

What We Offer

Shuttle operators don’t have the time to perform a multi-faceted analysis of shuttle programs they serve, nor the expertise at identifying high-level service issues or areas for program improvements. With our decades of shuttle management experience, we are skilled at observing and detecting what shuttle operators, drivers, and even passengers may be unaware of.

After gathering quantitative and qualitative data, through on and off board analysis, ALTRANS will present reporting with findings and recommendations regarding: increasing ridership, lowering operating costs while expanding service, improving on-time performance, and much more.

Looking for more than just program evaluation? We also offer comprehensive Shuttle Program Management services, which include monitoring and analysis as well as route development and program oversight.

How We Monitor & Assess Your Shuttle Program

At ALTRANS, we combine a variety of methods to gather deeper insights into your shuttle program’s current state and present data-backed recommendations for improving efficiency and efficacy. Our monitoring and assessment tools include:

  • On-Board Evaluations
  • On-Board Customer Satisfaction Surveys
  • Ridership Review
  • On-Time Performance Review
  • Schedule and Transit Connection Review
  • Schedule and Route Redesign

After our thorough assessment, you receive a detailed report outlining our findings and recommendations for enhancing your shuttle program to meet the needs of your commuters.

Reach out to discuss how we can help you monitor and measure your shuttle program for continued improvement and success.