COVID Planning and Support

What We Offer

ALTRANS works with clients to develop flexible, phased TDM return-to-building plans in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our return-to-building approach creates a psychological “fresh start” for workers, where new commuting habits may be formed. This provides an excellent opportunity for employers, cities, and transportation providers to reshape and improve commute programs that encourage sustainable commute habits moving forward.

Helping You Develop a Flexible TDM Plan During COVID-19

ALTRANS has developed a unique methodology to forecast Orange Tier, Yellow Tier, and Post-COVID commute mode share. We use this methodology to help you develop a flexible TDM plan that can meet your current and future needs, and comply with safety guidelines, during each phase of the pandemic response.

To address COVID-safe commuting while in the high-case Purple Tier, ALTRANS is working closely with public transit agencies to implement best practice safety measures. We also assist in developing confidence-boosting messaging to encourage more riders to return to public transit. ALTRANS shares expertise on CDC superspreading case studies, handheld monitors that detect stagnant (unsafe) indoor air, and measuring in-vehicle airflow.

As we progress from Purple to Orange to Yellow COVID tiers, we envision a gradual return to transit and carpooling, with a gradual increase in capacity.

COVID Planning Resources

With the unprecedented events surrounding the current and post-Pandemic, and the relative uncertain nature of transportation planning and TDM programs, our staff has researched and compiled information and resources to help you to navigate and plan safe commuting and a safe return-to-office.

Reach out to us to discuss how we can help you develop a COVID-compatible TDM plan that can evolve with you as the pandemic response progresses.